About Us

We are the Walter Brothers and it is our special abilities such as Autism and Down Syndrome that give us the super powers to help us make crafts for our community. We are learning new skills everyday thanks to DANA Workshop LLC. And now, here's a little bit about everyone in our family...
This is our sister, Molly. She is a student at UW-Oshkosh studying to be a teacher of superheroes, just like us. Molly is the best sister we could ever ask for because even though we're all older than her, she cares for us just like a big sister does and we love her a lot.
Hi, I'm Mark. People say I have Autism, non-verbal speech-apraxia, OCD, ADHD, sensory integration disorder, sleep disorder, and lots of allergies but honestly I love learning about animals, listening to music, and climbing anything I can! I really hope you like lots of the button or bead or wood projects because I really like making them.
Hello, my name is Noah. Just like my (younger) twin brother, people say I have Autism, non-verbal speech-apraxia, OCD, ADHD, sensory integration disorder, and a sleep disorder. But I really like learning things like math and reading. Plus, candy crush is the best! By the way, if you get something that had to be sewn or stitched together, I totally did that.
What's up! I'm John. I'm the oldest ☺︎ I was born with stuff like Down Syndrome, a bi-lateral cleft lip and palate (which I totally got repaired), hypothyroidism, and Celiac disease. My favorite things in the world are playing basketball, hanging out with my friends, giving the world's greatest hugs, and the Badgers and the Packers. Oh, and if you buy one of our crafts that has paint on it, you're welcome 'cuz that was me.
This is Bubba. He's the first dog we ever got and he's the best dog ever. He's older than our other dog but he still likes to run around and play with us. Bubba has been a part of our lives since we were all little kids and we love him a lot.
This is our other dog, Pepper. He's younger than Bubba but he's a little bigger and he still thinks he's a puppy. He loves to snuggle and chase things that we throw for him. He was all black when we got him but now he's "Pepper color".
That's our mom and dad (when they were younger than we are now). People call them Shannon and Aran. Our mom is really smart 'cuz she has a bunch of degrees but we know the truth that the real reason she's so smart is because we have taught her so much. Our dad works at a church as a priest but honestly we just love it when he plays games with us and we get to be ourselves around him because that teaches him about what real love looks like. We love our mom and our dad a lot.
This is Becky. She hangs out with us almost every day, helping us and teaching us. She's really good at her job because she's been teaching superheroes like us for longer than we've been alive, which pretty much makes her OUR superhero!